Low impact accidents can cause major injuries

A St. Louis police officer was injured so badly in this devastating accident on the 17th of April 2017, that he had to be sent to a specialized traumatic spinal and brain injury center in Colorado to recover. The St. Louis Post Dispatch  reported a truck pulled around another car and slammed into his police car in the intersection of Chambers St and North Broadway.

Most people think only major accidents like this cause head injuries. But minor accidents do too. Any time there’s a head injury, it’s serious, because “just one concussion can change your brain.” That’s the opinion of a medical expert with New York University’s Concussion Center. In an interview on National Public Radio (NPR), the Center’s co-director said most people with a concussion, (which is a “mild traumatic brain injury) recover in a short period of time, but a “significant minority” can develop “chronic problems.”

Symptoms after a mild concussion

You don’t necessarily lose consciousness if you have a concussion, according to The Mayo Clinic. Symptoms that develop after head injuries include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, ringing in the ears, blurry vision, noise, light sensitivity and sometimes, decreases in taste and smell. Loss of concentration and memory are common too.

What happens to your brain in an accident?

The brain can get bruised when an accident moves it back and forth in the skull. Even worse, “parts of the brain can move at different speeds.” That causes a shearing force that can “stretch and tear nerve tissue.”  According to BrainFacts.org, some nerve fibers can recover, but others can lose their ability to send signals and communicate with other brain cells forever. The Centers for Disease Control says brain injuries can last a few days or for the rest of your life.”

If you looked like “Graham, the “Poster Boy” in a unique driver safety campaign in Australia, you could walk away from any accident. But you don’t have air bags in your head. The campaign is designed to show drivers how vulnerable the human body really is in a crash.

Wyatt Wright knows how serious concussions can be

Assessing injuries isn’t easy.  But personal injury lawyer Wyatt Wright has been doing it successfully for years.  He knows how long injuries can last, and how much they can cost.  Wyatt Wright is one of America’s top trial lawyers.  He knows that insurance companies are businesses that focus on profits, not policy holders.  His national legal awards are proof of his victories on behalf of his clients.  You only pay fees, agreed upon in advance, when Wyatt Wright wins your case.  Calls and evaluations are free.

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